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Welcome to Sunderland
Unique Stories and Local Eateries
Downtown Sunderland is the heart of a rural agricultural community. River Street is marked by the historic Sunderland Town Hall (1871), unique stories and local eateries. Nature lovers will appreciate the close-by Beaver River Wetland Trail and Conservation Area. Locals and visitors alike gather for the annual 100-year-old Sunderland Agricultural Fall Fair, Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival and the Sunderland Lions Music Festival.

Featured Businesses
Brown and Brethour Insurance
Brown & Brethour has been providing property, auto, business & farm insurance to the good people of…
View ProfileFlindall’s Freshmart
Grocery store, LCBO and Beer agency store
Will provide local delivery for seniors

Surrounding downtown Sunderland is rolling farmland, with dense forest and rich agricultural soil.

About Sunderland
Shop Brock Downtown
Building on the successes of the Beaverton Downtown Revitalization Management Committee, the Township of Brock Shop Brock downtown revitalization project was launched which included the implementation phase of the Beaverton 180° project and expanded the project into Cannington and Sunderland. Shop Brock was premised on business development, downtown revitalization, and local business diversification. The project aimed to strengthen the local economy, sustain and grow local jobs, and support our healthy and vibrant communities. Shop Brock followed the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs four point Downtown Revitalization program which includes: economic development; management and leadership; marketing and promotions; and physical improvements.
Township of Brock1 Cameron Street East
PO Box 10
Cannington, ON
L0E 1E0 705-432-2355 Visit Our Website